Colin Charles Agenda 2.3 exports to MediaWiki

One interesting feature of 2.3 is its Export to MediaWiki functionality. Its simply, a File -> Export, give it a filename, and select MediaWiki. Automatically, you have a .txt file, that you can paste directly into MediaWiki. There, an offline editor for MediaWiki!

Sadly, this isn’t as well integrated as I’d like. You can’t actually edit an existing MediaWiki document in And it has some limitations, so I suggest taking a read of the Odt2Wiki page (also, the Features page). Like adding images manually, is a bit of a quirk.

However, as someone that writes a lot in a Wiki, I’m pleased to say that I can now do this easily in OOo Writer, and will only have to resort to the built-in Wiki editor, when actually, editing content. Well, here’s to open standards and XSLT transformations.

In a related matter, of editing Wikis, its good to know that Firefox 2 has built-in spell-checking in text area fields, so there’s now no reason to have badly spelt Wiki documents.

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