Colin Charles Agenda

MySQL on Leopard (OS X 10.5)

Use MySQL? On Leopard/OS X 10.5? Yes, the current available packages from don’t work very well. I track “mysql” on Twitter, and boy, are there heaps of complaints.

So its nice to see, Dan Benjamin, a member of the MySQL community, stepping up, and creating the amazing Installing MySQL on Mac OS X article. The Preference Pane will obviously still not be there, and I don’t know why he thinks Mantorg (?) will build it, but I believe this is something MySQL needs to fix for the next release.

Tracking mysql#28854 will be useful.

Mark Pilgrim decided that it would be cool to poke fun at OS X, because it “just works” on Ubuntu. While what he says is true, there have been a lot more testing of MySQL on Linux, than there has been on Leopard. Developer seeds aren’t exactly the same “final” product (sure, this particular bug has been around since developer seed days, from what I can tell).

Here’s wishing I was on Leopard (or even a Mac) a bit more regularly…

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