Colin Charles Agenda

Fedora more successful, developer-wise, than Ubuntu

Statistics are interesting. Every Fedora Project Contributor gets an alias. So I’m presuming, this number is greater than just package maintainers…

Fedora, via Max Spevack:

total aliases for package maintainers: 478

Ubuntu, via Daniel Robitaille:

total aliases: 348

By the above, does it mean Fedora is way more successful than Ubuntu? Some detractors will say, RH has a lot more package maintainers than Canonical can afford. Sure. But an “Fedora Membership” also extends to ambassadors, translators, etc. and not just package maintainers (so the number, 478 up there, is woefully under-reported). Sadly, I couldn’t find a nice easy way to show all the aliases via the online pkgdb application.

Long gone are the days where these aliases were maintained in /etc/aliases by Seth and I ;-)

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