Server buying experience

My recent server buying experience has been interesting. I contacted a local company, ServerWare, seeing that they had some interesting servers – 4 disks, in a 1U configuration? Mmrm. To my dismay, they were trying very hard to not sell me parts, but complete systems, with prices that were about 30% greater than what I could get at Dell. The clincher, was when I was told that server SATA2 disks are different from desktop SATA2 disks, and there was no way I was going to get these disks so cheaply. Ahem, on Saturday, I took  a trip to Low Yat, and picked up a couple of 500GB SATA2 disks, remember?

So, it was down to calling Dell. Found my regular sales consultant whom I dealt with about a year ago, got the quote brought down from what the website said (I love how you can haggle with Dell, to get a bargain). Demanded a quick delivery (Friday, they tell me). With a nice 3-year next-day-on-site warranty. For 30% less than ServerWare. Without the hassles of being treated like an idiot.

On IRC, I mentioned that I was going to blog-mouth ServerWare. Consider this, just that. Its interesting to note that on the LUV lists, there is also chat about getting a 1U server. A lot of recommendations for Sun and Dell hardware. Apparently, Sun can provide even cheaper hardware than Dell! HP is also in the mix. No mention of off-the-shelf local companies in Melbourne though.

Friday, can’t come any sooner. Already booked a slot to be in the data center on Saturday morning, I’m hoping all services are up and running by then. And in future, I’ve got to think about backups – any recommendations for Xen instance hosting that is affordable? Purely for emergency use…

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  1. Simon Rumble says:

    I’ve had nothing but excellent experiences from They’re still only in beta with the Xen hosting, because there’s still some problems with Xen in untrusted environments (I/O in a DomU can bring the dom0 down).

    But I love Linode. The service gets better and better, the staff are extremely clueful and helpful, and they keep giving us more for the same money.

  2. kamal says:

    I used slicehost for over 9 months. Excellent services so far. Linode also got good initial review from for the new Xen hosting.

  3. […] talks about server downtime, and I can attest to that (hogwarts is just above gambit). The Dell arrived on Friday, popped Centos 5.1 on it, realised that if you ticked “Virtualization”, you […]

  4. danny says:

    you know any good independent server distributors around?

  5. byte says:

    @Danny: Nope, you might consider CZone, but it might take 2 weeks to get the chassis.

    @kamal, @Simon: Thanks! I’ll look at Linode/Slicehost for small slices
