MySQL Miniconf Starts!

Arjen and Stewart are on stage, and there’s an introduction session going on now. We’re now, introducing the ex-MySQLers (Arjen), and MySQLers (Stewart, Giuseppe, me). Trent has just walked in, so that makes all the MySQLers that are around at

Highlights of some of the attendees:

  • A user from LG, who has been using MySQL for about 3 years now
  • An technology manager in defense, interested in MySQL as an education exercise
  • A MySQL user for over 8 years
  • Systems administrator who’s been heavily using MySQL for 5 years, however with a total of about 8 years of use
  • Systems administrator at IBM, using MySQL for a long time
  • Travel startup in the Gold Coast, doing lots of MySQL, replication, proxy use
  • A software engineer at HP, in China, and they use MySQL for benchmarking on HP hardware
  • A Connector/J user
  •, is a Perl+Apache+MySQL shop
  • A IBM guy who works in performance tuning
  • Canon Research Labs in Sydney, but now working in a new small-ish firm, using a lot of MySQL
  • MySQL for a VoIP company. They’ve tried mcluster, and it sucked ;) (and now, they want Cluster)
  • Bolt on’s, to old accounting packages. Using MySQL with Delphi; fiddling with Mondrian, Pentaho now and also looking at JBOSS
  • PHP developer using MySQL for CMS systems, using it for about 6+ years
  • m5 Networks, VoIP company, using MySQL, needs to scale, looking at Cluster
  • Lonely Planet, MySQL DBA, who needs more tips on scalability and high availability
  • Moodle host, also interested in high availability
  • Stronghold CMS, they’d like MySQL to support sequences on a transaction, and they don’t want it in a stored procedure. They work for the government, to some extent (afaik).
  • Using MySQL in education for research/study
  • Asterisk, and MySQL
  • Drupal, and optimising MySQL, so it can scale
  • vquence, who need to store over 100 million videos, and they’d like MySQL to scale for them

The trend is there are a lot of VoIP companies, and a lot of folk wanting high availability, and scaling to amazing lengths. Very interesting. OK, Stewart is going to tell us what’s new in MySQL now… He’s got a bottle of liquor available, in traditional Monty tradition :)

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