Registered to be a postal voter…

Today, me, and about eighty other folk, went to Malaysia Hall, to register ourselves as postal voters.

From what I understand, the forms we filled out need to reach Malaysia by 5pm (UTC+8) on the 27 February 2008. Assuming that the official close of 5pm (UTC+10, +1 DST) is met, this leaves 3 hours to fax all the forms to Canberra and to the Election Commission in Malaysia. This is going to keep one Dr. Ali (Education Attache, Malaysia Hall, Melbourne – since we don’t have a consulate in Melbourne), rather busy. He’s also going to courier the original forms back.

One can now only hope that in the next week, a postal voting form appears. Everything was professionally done, only the identity card (IC) was required (no passport, as initially thought), there were sample forms that were filled out, and there were quite a number of people there when I was filling out my form.

The talk? Keadilan (PKR) [they also deserve special mention: minimum wages in Malaysia], PAS, DAP, and an independent candidate! Don’t know if our minuscule Melbourne votes are going to make any difference in this election, but here’s hoping.

Again, mad props to Tirath for helping sort this out. Also met up with an old friend, Raja Azlina while I was there (from MIMOS days, its been about a decade or more since we’ve known each other’s work).

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