Lots of database talk at Sun Tech Days

I didn’t get to attend many sessions at the Tech Days, as I was mainly meeting with people, or at the PostgreSQL on Solaris booth (figures someone from MySQL should’ve been there too). I had plenty of interesting conversations with Tom Daly; we met by chance since I had a blue MySQL shirt and he figured he’d be cheeky and offer me a PostgreSQL one.

I was going to take a photo with him today, but he called me from the airport last night to say he had to go back. Oh well.

Laurie Wong, Colin Charles
Laurie Wong, and me

Instead, you get a photo of Laurie and me (MySQL cap, PostgreSQL on Solaris t-shirt). I’ll blog later about the sessions that I did attend – I wish I could’ve done so earlier but staying at the Sheraton in Darling Harbour, meant that there was no in-room Internet access. Wireless was available in the lobby or business center, but on the first floor where I was staying, your only options were dialup. In 2008.

The Tech Days is an interesting event. At MySQL, we’d have called this a “structured MySQL Camp”. Or maybe the Japan User Conference. Either way, it was interesting, and I learned a lot about OpenSolaris, Containers, DTrace, NetBeans and Java. So much so, I’m looking into toying with Java again (something I promised myself, I wouldn’t do, in the new millennium).

From a database perspective? Talks on PostgreSQL and MySQL, another on JavaDB, an Oracle booth (giving away a Wii to lucky winners) in the expo hall. Truly, impressive.

Oh, and the Atlassian offices are right next to the Sheraton. Now, that would be a seriously cool place to get an office. I got to peek into the office from the outside, and truly impressed. I actually recognised the Aeron chairs during my walk, and only upon coming back later, realised it was Atlassian.


  1. cos says:

    So, nothing’s changed in Sydney hotels in 4 years, then? Fabbo. I’ll bet you they don’t run the wireless in the lobby either, so if it’s busted they haven’t got a clue what to do (as I discovered at Rydges…)

  2. byte says:

    Sigh. Its surprising that hotels here can’t provide Internet access, when about 2 years ago, I was in Cambodia, and there was wifi, with a fat pipe to the Internet, at pretty much every hotel
