I had the opportunity to visit a school today. Not quite a school you’ll expect to roll-out a deployment of OLPCs (its a top-notch boarding school, with yearly fees that cost as much as completing a 4-year university degree), but a school in Victoria, nonetheless.
Microsoft products are entrenched in the Victorian school system. It so happens that Microsoft ISA Server 2006 is used to power mail for the students. Trying to access mail via the browser, proved to be impossible with the OLPC.
The error code received: sec_error_unknown_issuer. So I thought I’d try out giving an exception.
Exceptions are impossible to get, seeing that there’s no way to get to the advanced encryption settings location. After coming home, I decided to check up on this (which involves hopping on to the developers IRC channel). Turns out the ticket is #5534: Browser cannot connect to sites with non-standard Certificate Authorities.
I added to the ticket, mainly because the MS ISA Server 2006 actually had a valid certificate, signed by VeriSign. It works fine in Firefox, but just not on the OLPC. Apparently, there’s an FAQ about this too: How to ignore SSL warning about invalid security certificate? However, the idea of installing Opera, just doesn’t bode well with me – the browser itself, must work.
Time to get hacking…
Technorati Tags: olpc, olpc xo, microsoft isa server, ssl, sec_error_unknown_issuer, certificate, encryption, gecko