Thats a tag/wrist-bracelet I wear, while its fading, is still going strong on my right wrist. And it cannot be more true.
Consider this, one week’s notice, that I’m relocating to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, for the near future. This relocation has been in the works for the last couple of weeks, but I’ve been too busy to write about it, and you also don’t want to write about something that isn’t confirmed. For me, confirmation, was actually getting the plane ticket sorted out, which I did today. Easter (or the period around it) has always been a time for new beginnings for me (and I say this, not being a religious person, at all).
The last few months, have been filled with change. First up, I left the sticks. Then, the company got acquired. And now, I’m leaving Melbourne, which has been home to me, for the past seven years or so.
Those following my Twitter feed, probably got various hints. Mustering 140 characters sometimes, is easier than writing lengthy blog entries.
Anyways, once the move is complete, I get to focus on growing and building the developer community further, and have travel stops that can make an air steward jealous.
I’m excited about the future, quite naturally!
In the meantime, there are some books I have for sale ($10? $20? Pay whatever seems sensible, and it’d be nice if you collected it). Those that know me well, know that there is a large collection of scotch (that I will not be bringing back to Kuala Lumpur), that I should probably also dispose of. Thoughts of having a mad raving party during Easter has crossed my mind, but I’d rather rid myself of the bottles of Green Label, Chivas Regal and Glenfiddich. I’ll be waiting for your email ( if you’re after a book…
P/S: If I haven’t written you personally, or called you, its not because I don’t love you, its really because I have been busy. And this isn’t goodbye, I’m sure to be back, and will be moseying in and out of Melbourne often enough.