The Eee gets a memory boost

Deciding to spend my credit note immediately at CPL earlier today, I picked up a 2GB stick of 667MHz DDR2 SODIMM, for laptops. Getting home, I popped open the Eee (breaking the warranty void if seal broken sticker), took out the 512MB stick, and replaced it with the 2GB of RAM.

Booted it up, and the Eee is going faster than ever. XFce4 with 2GB RAM is just fabulous. Best $69 that was spent today.

I was looking for RAM sometime last month, even in Kuala Lumpur, and was told that it was all out of stock, so I’m generally thrilled I managed to grab it here, today.


  1. You’re sill in SE Asia / Malaysia?
    I’ve moved to Singapore and visiting Malaysia this weekend.
    you should say g’day mate.

    yeah i did the 2gb ram upgrade for $54.00SGD .. to be honest i havent noticed a massive performance boost.
    but then again im running my own cut/speced up version of eeedora.

  2. byte says:

    Hey Andy!

    Well, I’ll be moving to Malaysia come the end of the month. Not be able to see you this weekend, but i’m sure after that we should be able to say g’day :)

    Will catch up with you soon, I’m sure!
