MySQL on Leopard OS X 10.5 PrefPane fixed!

A few months ago, I wrote about the issues you will face with installing MySQL on OS X 10.5, Leopard. I am pleased to inform everyone, that this problem has been fixed!

The bug in question, mysql#28854, clearly stated that the problem was with the PrefPane. On Valentine’s Day 2008, Alfredo Kojima (of Workbench fame) fixed the problem, and uploaded a new PrefPane, to

This fixes an incompatibility with the default shipped PrefPane. The new PrefPane also detects if the MySQL data directory (/usr/local/mysql/data) has the incorrect permissions (and if so, one should fix it).

So all Mac users, your first order of business is to download an appropriate MySQL from the MySQL 5.0 Downloads, and then download the new PrefPane.

Happy starting and stopping MySQL now, via System Preferences. Note that MySQL Enterprise 5.0.58 has already got this fix implemented. The current Community release is MySQL 5.0.51a, and does require the new PrefPane (and it will be fixed in the next release).

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  1. […] MySQL on Leopard OS X 10.5 PrefPane fixed! […]

  2. Derek Nugent says:

    Many thanks I’ve been stewing over that for a few days!

  3. L2 says:

    Thanks for sharing this info. It really helped me out tremendously!

  4. Anne says:

    Thank you, thank you, thank you! A much appreciated quick fix!

  5. ruth says:

    THANK YOU! This solved a week of frustration.

  6. Asanka Dewage says:

    Thank you for the update. Nice one.

  7. Alex says:

    OMG Thank you so much. I just gave up and have been using the command line for the past year. ^_^

  8. […] MySQL on Leopard OS X 10.5 PrefPane fixed! […]

  9. […] Um MySQL nun zu starten gibt es derzeit 2 Möglichkeiten. Die eine wäre sich ein weiteres Preference Pane zu installieren und mit diesem dann den MySQL Dienst zu starten und zu stoppen. Die zweite […]

  10. L2 says:

    Thanks for sharing this info. It really helped me out tremendously!
