Video interviews of MySQL Developers

Its no secret that all the MySQL Sun Database Group developers are here in Riga, Latvia for the developer’s meeting. I have my video camera on hand, and plan to conduct bite-sized interviews.

But that’s not why I’m writing this. This is for you. Since you can’t be here, is there something you’d like to ask a MySQL developer with regards to a bug you filed? A new feature request? A worklog item?

Write a comment, or drop me email at colin[at]mysql[dot]com. Be quick though, as the Q&A sessions I imagine, will be fairly impromptu.


  1. Nils says:

    If you could just mock them for the delay in releasing 5.1 that would be fine ;)

  2. hujambo says:

    how do you pronouce THD ? :-)

  3. […] Video interviews of MySQL Developers […]

  4. Antony T Curtis says:

    THD tends to be pronounced as “thud”.

  5. hujambo says:

    I heard that its pronounced “thud” coz of the noise it makes when someone drops it (its *heavy* :-)

  6. hujambo says:

    how do you pronouce THD ? :-)
