Colin Charles Agenda

House of Cards

This is a beautiful song. Its on replay through my speakers, a lot recently (you’ll know if you follow me on That is, the single from Radiohead, titled the House of Cards. From the excellent album, In Rainbows (you know, complete download available DRM-free, for any price you want to pay for, even zero dollars.) Beautiful lyrics.

I don’t wanna be your friend
I just wanna be your lover
No matter how it ends
No matter how it starts

Forget about your house of cards
And I’ll do mine


Of course, the video is equally interesting. Because no cameras or lights were used to generate it. Read more about the technology behind it (how to capture, and render 3D data). Joi Ito has a good post summarising the important bits: the data (not the music) used to make the video is under a Creative Commons license, the source code to make it happen is under the Apache license. Good stuff all around.