Semi-private vacation locations

A note to my future self…

I really like to have vacations in private spaces. I value my privacy, and enjoy not having to see screaming kids, et al during meals, or when I lounge on the beach. I also like top notch service.

You can get that with the idea of a “private island”. For me, Nikoi Island, off the coast of Bintan, in Indonesia, hits it spot on. It was recommended to me by Adri, and I can’t thank her enough.

Next up, I definitely want to try out Damai, in Bali, also in Indonesia. Sure, its not a private island, but its got luxury villas, and all’s expected to be well. Looks fun, I can even go dolphin watching!

So, while it might not be a private island, it looks fun. More fun than the Eastern & Oriental Penang, might be I’m sure (which I should add, is another top notch hotel – staying in the Penaga Suite, their butler service was excellent, and the whole place, was exquisite).
