Colin Charles Agenda

MySQL Conference Update: Grid is up, go promote and register!

This is a quick update on the O’Reilly MySQL Conference & Expo 2010, happening April 12-15 2010 in Santa Clara.

  1. We’ve put up a preliminary schedule, and you can expect this to be fast moving/changing, as we confirm more talks. A tradeoff of this, is that you can now also see the sessions by track, which helps give you an overview of where the content really is.
  2. If you’re attending the conference, why not promote it? We have lots of badges and banners for attendees.
  3. If you’re a speaker, you sure want to fill that room up, so why not help promote the conference using the speaker version of the badges and banners?

So if you were wondering what kind of talks we have, beyond just the quick taster we had earlier, this should help you decide quickly, and register before February 22 2010. Why? Because you save a cool USD$250, which you can then use to buy beer at the Hyatt ;-) (because that’s where more cool discussion happens late into the night!)