Movies on the plane recently
Having a few long journeys, I got to catch up with the latest Hollywood had to offer.
- Papadopoulos & Sons – show about an entrepreneur who goes thru trials & tribulations, then learns whats important in life
- How I Spent My Summer Vacation (aka Get the Gringo
) – you won’t think much from the title, but this Mel Gibson show isn’t half bad. I don’t recommend going out of your way to watch it, but it’s a good way to pass time surely. Action, murder, revenge, love, and crime are all covered here
- Arbitrage
– Richard Gere stars, also about an intensely wealthy entrepreneur, about to sell his company, cover up his problems, while having an affair. There are several themes & plots here, so you’ll enjoy it overall
- The Words
– about a writer who placed his name on his best work, only to find out that he has to live with such a secret. Turns out its a lot harder than expected.
I notice that the plotlines in the last two movies seem to end with a bit of a cliffhanger. Leaves the watcher to understand or continue thinking about what might have been. Unlikely that you’ll see a part two, but maybe that’s how modern movies tend to end.
Upon arriving home, I did turn on cable and caught Senna. If you like the Formula One (F1), you surely know whom Ayrton Senna was. You probably also know that Senna was the last F1 driver to die while racing. It is an awesome show and I highly recommend all to watch it.