In addition to what I wrote last week, Social media gaffes from restaurants & how to make it worse, there’s a few more links/data points to look at:
- The mother of Isadora Chai writes back in TMI, From mother to daughter. A recommended read.
- BFM has an interesting podcast on this: Night on Earth: Vox Populi. Its broken up in 2 segments so listen for the whole hour. Apparently they spoke to Isadora Chai before she graduated from chef to writer: “I’m not sorry to say this, but most bloggers, this is just a glorified hobby with a huge camera and too much time on Facebook.” Seemed like perfect timing. It’s a damn good listen though because she touches on how bloggers lack ethics, and so on.
- BFM had another interesting podcast: Social Media Suicide. Highly recommended and this segment is a lot shorter and has some good call-in opinions as well. Guest is Shankar Santhiram, who has many a training program, including one on customer service & handling difficult customers.