Upcoming MariaDB 10.0.7 will have more engines – mroonga, OQGRAPH

In recent time, MariaDB 10 has been getting many new storage engines. We’ve seen TokuDB, CONNECT, SEQUENCE, SPIDER, CassandraSE for various use cases. For a long time, MariaDB shipped OQGRAPH, but it was disabled in MariaDB 5.5. It will make a come back as OQGRAPH v3 has been worked on actively by Andrew McDonnell. Keep track of this via MDEV-5319.

Another engine being worked on by Kentoku Shiba & team is the mroonga engine, which allows you to do full text search. It is optimised for CJK languages, and is supposedly very fast. To track this, follow MDEV-5222.

What this means is that from the start of the MariaDB project, the only engine that we have disabled and don’t include since 5.5 and greater is PBXT. That’s a pretty good record of having many shipping storage engines that have largely come from the community.


  1. Lenz says:

    Interesting. Isn’t 10.0 in beta since quite some time? Just curious, but how does adding these new storage engines match with the definition of “Beta” outlined in the Release Criteria at https://mariadb.com/kb/en/release-criteria/?

    • colincharles says:

      Hi @LenzGr:disqus,

      With storage engines, they can be popped in even in a GA release to some extent. They are fairly isolated as you will know. Feature-wise, nothing else is going into the beta… Improvements to things like parallel replication is happening obviously.

      • Lenz says:

        Interesting definition – I always assumed that these criteria apply to all components included in a release. Anyway, all the best for getting this release out the door!

        • colincharles says:

          @LenzGr:disqus – heh, I guess the fact that the storage engine API and plugin api is fairly abstracted, popping things into a release makes it “Easier”. Its like a PAM authentication plugin making it into a release, post-GA even. In that sense, old habits die hard, ala mysql days
