Oura was unhappy with everything but what is new. Ate at home again so it is good to be self sufficient! Enjoyed a 5pm workout with Ping. Work is still busy.
From the Covid-19 front, it is interesting to see that intelligence reports suggest that China is faking numbers. Flat out, “the report concludes that China’s numbers are fake.” China Concealed Extent of Virus Outbreak, U.S. Intelligence Says.
Malaysia has made the MCO a little more drastic — you only can go a 10km radius from your house to buy food/groceries. And everything that is allowed to operate does so from 8am-8pm. I’ve seen a lot of videos of the police telling people to make U-turns at roadblocks.
It is possible the MCO is working in terms of curve flattening, but without effective understanding of social distancing after this, say at a Ramadan bazaar, things are going to get ugly again. We are also seeing things like Tower Regency Hotel in Ipoh shut down at the end of the month (yes, there will be more casualties).
We see a bit more flip flopping, i.e. NGOs running soup kitchens can now send aid with supervision. Singapore leads the way again with regards to moratoriums, Individuals can apply to defer property loan, insurance premium payments amid COVID-19: MAS, which are better deals than what Malaysia has offered so far; incidentally, Singapore has also said that they will help retrenched Malaysians find jobs (which is great for the brain drain).