Colin Charles Agenda

Life with Rona — Day 24, Day 25, Day 26, Day 27

There’s an excuse to lump all this up… Day 24 was Friday and I worked till the wee hours of Saturday morning. I spent the weekend not doing anything that involved a computer (this is what, the 2nd week running), and today is Day 27, Monday.

Friday, Day 24: Considering I slept at nearly 4am, the getting up at 11am+ was good. Breakfast, work, a very fun workout session with Lye that got me burning a tonne, dinner (vegetarian claypot tofu, it is apparently a good thing to eat on Good Friday), and more work. As I write this, I’m still waiting for a 1.30am call…

Saturday, Day 25: Slept late again, so up late too. Varied breakfast (scrambled eggs) and then for dinner, just did sardine salad, with mangoes as a dessert. Did a workout with Theresa (barre, interesting). Mostly finished watching Better Call Saul on Netflix.

Sunday, Day 26: Despite little sleep, I was up for Ping’s workout. The highlight of all workouts, it is booty popping. Easter Sunday. Got an Easter miracle — weighed in at 69.9kg, which is just under the 70kg goal I set for end-April, to be under-70 before my birthday in May. Lunch was briyani rice. I also did a second workout with Zoraya, 1,000 moves HIIT, because why not, right? Spent time catching up on Ballers on HBO (now I’ve finished that too).

Today, Day 27. I switched up breakfast, what I’d normally have in Germany — bread roll, butter, cheese, and a full boiled egg. It was amazing. Lunch was leftovers from yesterday, and for tea/early dinner I had 2 crêpes (so good!). Did a workout with Nick today, also much fun. Overall, there has been much to do, work-wise. 45 days of sitting in KL in a stretch, not seeing a plane nor hotel. It is clearly… getting to me.

Malaysia got another 2-week extension to the MCO on Friday. This means we will be home for 42 days, and it now ends April 28. The claim is the Health Ministry wants to monitor 3 cycles (14 days each) of the virus. Cases are still going up (as expected). Before the MCO, R0 was 3.55, by April 14 (tomorrow) it should be 0.9, and lets just hope this ends when they claim it should (source).

There was a bit of a fiasco that allowed barbers to open on Friday, now rescinded today. Irony is the barbers themselves did not want to open. But we had a medical doctor (and MP) suggest that blood pressure could be lowered by getting a haircut. Turns out he didn’t read the complete paper. And he is a medical doctor. Shocking.

Stats wise, total cases are 4,817, 2,276 recoveries, and we’re at a total of 77 deaths. Seems there’s a new Bali cluster in Kuantan!

Boris Johnson not only left the ICU, but also hospital, and is on the mend. Macron (French premier) wants the Schengen area to close borders until September. Australia thinks they should only reopen in 2021. What is wrong with all these people?