Colin Charles Agenda

Life with Rona — Day 31

Late start thanks to sleeping around 4am. Scrambled eggs for breakfast, and a burger for dinner. Did Konea’s workout for 0.5h, but didn’t go the whole way. Lots of work (what’s new?).

Covid-19 in Malaysia: 5,251 (+69), 2,987 discharged, death toll 86 (+2). “active cases stand at 2,198, 51 of which are in intensive care, 26 of them on ventilators.” I’d like to bring up a not so distant stat about ventilator capacity: “Malaysia currently has 926 units of ventilators in intensive care unit (ICU) facilities, 152 non-invasive ventilators and 142 transport ventilators.” (with 800 more coming). And 450 in private healthcare. Also not too distant, “As of today, only 34 per cent of the beds have been taken while the balance, 66 per cent are ready to be used at any time. Total beds available are 3,585 at 34 hospitals.” (he was referring to hospital beds, not ICU beds in particular). More on ICU beds.

So were we ever “flattening the curve”, or did we really over-achieve with the MCO?

Anyway, let’s go back to living life! I’m going to try sleep earlier tonight, its just past midnight. Maybe some TV…