Colin Charles Agenda

Life with Rona — Day 32 + 33

Up pretty late on Saturday (got the sleep and readiness crown on the Oura), had a roti telur with a soft boiled egg… and then I ordered some pizzas on discount! Did an Ishaq & Ping workout (2 screens). Then watched some Curb Your Enthusiasm on HBO.

Sunday I was up earlier… (no crowns) Puttu for breakfast and leftover pizza for lunch and dinner, with a barre burn with Theresa.

Malaysia Covid-19 stats: 5,389 (+84) total, 3,197 discharged, 89 dead (+1). Singapore has been growing in numbers, lots in foreign worker dorms.

Catching up a lot on reading. Spending time on contact tracing research as well. Might have something up soon, especially since I’ve also been using the Charles Proxy.