Colin Charles Agenda

Life with Rona – Day 45

Again, up with far too little sleep. Bread with some chestnut spread from Paris, in addition to fresh cucumber and celery juice. Early dinner was chicken rice, with char siew. Very yummy. Did a workout before that with Nick. It was “metabolic conditioning”, and I enjoyed that tremendously (the calorie burn was insanely good). Interestingly, I achieved my Oura activity goal after so long (it is hard during the MCO to get 450 active calories burnt).

Malaysia’s Covid-19 situation: 6,071 (+69) total cases, 4,210 (+39) recoveries, 103 (+1) dead. 37 in ICU beds, 14 on ventilators.

It looks like the government has decided the MCO could end earlier… well, a “controlled MCO”? CMCO? Monday May the 4th, pretty much everything can open, except what is still banned. Notice the barbers didn’t make the cut this time? Anyway, why the rush? Is it because the economy is tanking and there is no more fiscal support? It is also unfortunate that with EMCO areas, they’re going to carry out immigration raids. This is the time to show compassion! Also this re-opening, while it had to happen likely by May 13, one wonders why they rushed it to May 4? Why not get people used to the fact that things are going to open, and they would need to follow SOPs? Of course, MKN’s website went down today (WordPress, MySQL), which is unsurprising.

As for me, I’m going to follow the rules (MCO ends May 12), and still continue my challenge of staying sheltered in place. I hope it is worth it. Besides, gyms aren’t opening, and I can’t hit the pool anyway. Clubs seem to be re-opening on 4th of May, and I’ll be sure to drop by on the 13th.