Archive for the ‘General’ Category

Keybase and FUSE on macOS

I like the concept of Keybase, have had an account there for sometime ( I also installed the Keybase app on macOS which has kbfs, the FUSE-based filesystem for Keybase users to share files with encryption (read more).

However, I also tend to spend time offline, and sometimes on restricted networks where I use TripMode. I realised very quickly that a simple ls or df could take some 20 seconds to complete (timeouts at work).

After poking around I realised it was Keybase. So this is what I do now:

keybase ctl stop
pkill Keybase

I used to have to also unmount the /keybase directory but this seems to be taken care of by newer clients. A macOS annoyance. I can’t always just have it running. There is a github issue #971. I think their iOS app is quite well done and have no complaints thus far.

Writing on the Percona blog, upcoming appearances

I’ve started a column at the Percona Database Performance Blog, and some recent posts (I don’t plan to record all this; I might just upload the pre-edited Markdown to Github at some stage):

Watch that blog every Friday.

I also have some upcoming appearances and I look forward to meeting you there:

Grab bagged South East Asia? Uber still in the running

I see a lot of anecdotal evidence that people claim Grab has South East Asia in the bag and Uber is doomed. I beg to differ.

I take a Grab or Uber from KLIA quite a bit. I always try the Grab app first. Take yesterday (Friday night/Saturday morning). I landed at 1am and tried the Grab app twice: one for GrabCar and another for JustGrab. It found no rides.

Contrast that to Uber. Tried for UberX once and I was in a car within 5 minutes. This is generally my experience when it comes to using Uber versus Grab at the airport.

I try to speak to drivers for a bit before delving into reading on my tablet. Today my driver whom has completed 840 trips on the Uber platform in the 9 months he has been on it told me he is Uber-exclusive. He knows Grab exists but he’s all in on Uber.

Some drivers do drive for both platforms. But it is clearly not all.

So my experience so far has been that I’m doing better with Uber even though I try Grab first. And I estimate my data points from KLIA are approximately 3 rides per month.

Of course, not having to use Alm Cabs “airport limousine” is clearly the bonus here!

Tab Sweep – 7 August 2017

Not quite a “tab sweep”, this is me dumping out my OmniFocus todos!

  • QOTD: “Yesterday, you said tomorrow.” – Nike
  • Do you think about using MariaDB ColumnStore? Back in January, there was an interesting Twitter thread. It is in French, and things have improved, but this is a colourful description.
  • A PostgreSQL response to Uber is the Hacker News discussion, slides from Christophe Pettus presented at Percona Live Santa Clara 2017. Well worth reading, this wasn’t an easy talk to get on the agenda, and the commentary is also particularly interesting.

Tab Sweep – 5 August 2017

Goodbye box at a data centre

August 1 2017 marks the day I stop colocating a box at a data centre.

[byte@hogwarts ~]$ uptime

22:07:55 up 522 days, 19:40, 1 user, load average: 0.02, 0.01, 0.00

This particular box has been in the data centre from 2008. It survived one data centre bankruptcy (Jaring), moved along to another, and now I feel the box is to be replaced by a few instances at Linode, Digital Ocean, and also DreamHost.

This marks my last CentOS 5 box. This marks the last time I will deal with MySQL 5.0.95.

The box wasn’t too bad either (though woefully out of warranty). It was a Dell 1U box. Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X3210 @ 2.13GHz, 4 cores. Paltry 4GB of RAM. Did mail, web, DNS, and a few other bits, quite well. 2 spinning disks, RAID setup, 500GB storage. Its still healthy ([UU] in /proc/mdstat).

As soon as I get it back, I’ll spin it up at the office, pop on some newer version of Linux and see how long it continues serving!
