Posts Tagged ‘buenos aires’

Speaking in June 2016

I have a few upcoming speaking engagements in June 2016:

  • – June 9-10 2016 – Buenos Aires, Argentina – never been to this event but MariaDB Corporation are sponsors and I’m quite excited to be back in Buenos Aires. I’m going to talk about the MySQL ecosystem in 2016.
  • SouthEast LinuxFest – June 10-12 2016 – Charlotte, NC, USA – I have a few talks here, a bit bummed that I’m going to be missing the speaker dinner, but I expect this to be another great year. Learn about MariaDB Server/MySQL Security Essentials, the MySQL ecosystem in 2016, and about distributions from the view of a package.
  • NYC MySQL Meetup – June 27 2016 – New York, USA – I’m going to give a talk on lessons you can learn from other people’s database failures. I did this at, and it was well received so I’m quite excited to give this again.
  • Community Open House for MongoDB – June 30 2016 – New York, USA – I’m going to give my first MongoDB talk at the Community Open House for MongoDB – My First Moments with MongoDB, from the view of someone who’s been using MySQL for a very long time.

So if you’re in Buenos Aires, Charlotte or New York, I’m looking forward to seeing you to talk all things databases and open source.

MySQLNoSQLCloud 2014 – Edition #3

Good morning buenos airesI’ve enjoyed visiting Buenos Aires once a year for the MySQLNoSQLCloud event, put together by the awesome people at Binlogic (in particular, their proprietor Santiago Lertora). It’s happening again in 2014, which by my count is the third edition, and there’s a twist: Buenos Aires on 13 & 14 November, and Cordoba on 17 November. It’s never been held in Cordoba before (like an annex event), so I think this could be extremely exciting.

If you’re looking to speak, send Santiago a note at (or leave a message here). I’ll put you in touch with him. If you’re looking to sponsor, you get attendees from all over Latin America.

Upcoming MariaDB/MySQL events: Tokyo, Buenos Aires

To bring to attention those who will be in Tokyo, Japan or Buenos Aires, Argentina:

  1. MariaDB/MySQL Community Event – 9 October 2013 – Tokyo, Japan. Come see Michael Carney, Ivan Zoratti, Kentoku Shiba (creator of the SPIDER storage engine) and Colin Charles at this event. It is from 12.30pm – 8pm, and includes evening cocktails to some extent. It should be free to attend.
  2. MySQL NoSQL Cloud – 15-16 October 2013 – Buenos Aires, Argentina. This is the second such conference happening in Buenos Aires, and this time there are plenty of speakers who didn’t make it around the first time. Cost is nominal.
