Posts Tagged ‘cisco’

On video-conferencing

Bernard Leong writes about some Cisco video conferencing hardware:

the Cisco TelePresence 1000 (made for the home user – we are told the price is US$79K) and the Cisco TelePresence 3000 (made for companies – and the price is US$299K)

How many home users are willing to shell out US$79K for a video-conferencing kit? Why not just use Skype?

I was watching some TV earlier, and Oprah uses Skype. She brought on Jennifer Aniston’s two dogs, and Owen Wilson from Maui. Full screen (some large-ish TV). Clear. Powered by Skype.

Apparently, Oprah has been doing this for a while. I think Cisco isn’t going too far with their TelePresence stuff for the home. Can’t imagine many a business (SME-sized) wanting such an expensive system, either.

What about open source video? Video over SIP? Don’t really see anything being as mainstream as Skype (which does audio and video, just fine, despite being proprietary).

Error 51: Unable to communicate with the VPN subsystem from VPNClient (fixed)

For work, the good days of using Tunnelblick are over, and I’m now using the Cisco VPNClient.

Today it greeted me with a message:

Error 51: Unable to communicate with the VPN subsystem.
Please make sure that you have at least one network interface that is currently active and has an IP address and start this application again.

The thing is, I already had the wireless going, and it had an IP. Macworld tells me to do:

sudo SystemStarter restart CiscoVPN

You can also do:

sudo /System/Library/StartupItems/CiscoVPN/CiscoVPN restart

They both work. Let’s hope this is not a regular recurrenceannoyance.
