Posts Tagged ‘life’

30-day challenge: The Gym

My favorite view. Don't listen to CNN, Seoul is awesomeFor the last month, I’ve had a 30-day challenge, inspired by Sara. She challenged me to going to the gym three times a week and spending one and a half hours each time. This is 4.5 hours of working out per week.

I just unlocked this achievement yesterday. On average, I spend about an hour on the elliptical, I do abdominal crunches and then I go for a swim (something I always used to do). When travelling I don’t get what my home gym has, so I have also done the treadmill, cycling, chest presses, seated rows and some exercises for my back (this was especially required when I first started on this challenge). Most times at the home gym, I rock up to the sauna afterward as well.

Upon first starting I was pretty exhausted, but after about the first week it got easier and now it just seems like second nature. To pass time I listen to audiobooks so I’m learning as I go along.

I completed the challenge in three cities across three continents: Kuala Lumpur, São Paulo, and Portland, Oregon. A big issue for me was the time spent on planes. Have I lost weight? No. Have I lost fat? Yes. Am I going to continue? Absolutely. Shorter than 1.5 hours each time, but I’m definitely going to continue.

In fact, I should head there now!

(The picture in this post is the view from my favourite gym, the Park Club at Park Hyatt Seoul. I can’t wait to visit it soon.)

Reflections on getting older

I just got a homemade bacon pizza - yummy. All from scratchI turned 29 on Sunday. Coincidentally it was Mother’s Day this year. I made sure I was home for the celebrations, having arrived back from Seoul on Saturday. 

I feel incredibly lucky to be back to celebrate with my loved ones. It started with homemade kaya in the morning, a wonderful lunch at The Lobsterman (coincidentally the bill had 512 in it!), and a dinner that consisted of a couple of homemade pizzas. Sara is becoming a great chef.

It didn’t quite hit me that this is my last of the twenties. This time next year I would have embarked on my thirties. I’ll think about that next year, but in the meantime, there are 365 days to be wonderful and amazing, right?

Yesterday, Monday, I took some time to myself. I spent a significant amount of time in the gym. Followed by a great long swim to clear my mind. And a trip to the sauna. All in, using the facilities at the club to the fullest. It was invigorating to be able to do all that.

Today I awoke at about 5.15am almost naturally. That says a lot. I might continue with a vigorous exercise regiment, without the need for excuses like “I have no time”. I might not. Who knows. All in, I’m reminded by the bit of propaganda: pain is weakness leaving the body.

But the remaining days till my thirtieth, I expect to be achieving the goals I set out for myself. They are tall orders some of them, but I think I’ve made relatively good progress in my twenties to achieve them. As humans we always set milestones, and like a politician, I’ve generally set 5-year marathons.

Here’s to a great year ahead!
