Posted on 24/10/2015, 10:01 pm, by Colin Charles, under
The Korean MySQL Power User Group gets a special guest speaker next weekend (Oct 31 2015 – 4pm – 4:33’s offices in Gangnam – nearest train stop is Samseong station, Line 2 – post requires Cafe Naver login) – Mark Callaghan (Small Datum, @markcallaghan, and formerly High Availability MySQL). I’ve been to many of their meetups, and I think this is a great opportunity for many DBAs to learn more about how Mark helps make MySQL and MongoDB better for users at Facebook. I’m sure he’ll also talk about RocksDB.
After that, as usual, there will be a DBA Dinner. This time the tab gets picked up by OSS Korea. See you next Saturday – Halloween in Seoul will have added spice!
Posted on 24/10/2015, 6:09 am, by Colin Charles, under
Last week we had the MySQL Meetup with MariaDB Developers in Amsterdam, which went on easily for about 3.5 hours. Thanks to all for listening (these were lightning talks, not with a strict 5 minute clock with Q&A thrown in), and Daniël van Eeden for organising this at the eBay offices (whom kindly provided pizza, beer and soft drinks as well). We had many talks, and I’ve managed to put up most of the slides into a Google Drive folder, so feel free to access the bucket.
- How is the MariaDB sausage made? by Rasmus Johansson covers how MariaDB Server gets made from an engineering standpoint
- An inside look at the MariaDB restaurant by Daniel Bartholomew covers how MariaDB Server gets released
- ANALYZE for statements by Sergei Petrunia
- Data at Rest Encryption in MariaDB 10.1 by Sergei Golubchik (HTML presentation so will prompt a download for you to view in the browser)
- Cool MariaDB Plugins by Colin Charles
- Passwordless login with unix auth_socket by Otto Kekäläinen
- InnoDB in MariaDB 10.1 by Jan Lindström
- PCRE Regular Expressions in MariaDB by Alexander Barkov
- MaxScale by Massimiliano Pinto
- Overview of failover handling in the MariaDB Java Connector by Diego Dupin
- Profile Guided Optimization by Axel Schwenke
- MariaDB Server in Docker by Kolbe Kegel
- Systemd by Dan Black (there were no slides, and the work was being pushed into 10.1, so the crowd got to see svoj come up with his laptop, and Dan made the commit by hitting the Enter key. IIRC, the commit was 20c2ae39db3dd0ec4c337a9b0bd2bf4481b61e49)
- Engine Independent Table Statistics including Histograms by Sergei Petrunia
Georg Richter had prepared a presentation but decided not to give it, since we already had quite a lot of talks and discussion throughout the sessions. If you’re interested in MariaDB Connectors, the presentation is worth a read.
Thanks again to Daniël van Eeden and Jean-François Gagné whom really helped get this stuff going.
P/S: for some pictures, I live tweeted them:
Posted on 10/8/2015, 4:00 am, by Colin Charles, under
I’m excited to be at LinuxCon North America in Seattle next week (August 17-19 2015). I’ve spoken at many LinuxCon events, and this one won’t be any different. Part of the appeal of the conference is being able to visit a new place every year.
MariaDB Corporation will have a booth, so you’ll always be able to see friendly Rod Allen camped there. In between talks and meetings, there will also be Max Mether and quite possibly all the other folk that live in Seattle (Kolbe Kegel, Patrick Crews, Gerry Narvaja).
For those in the database space, don’t forget to come attend some of our talks (represented by MariaDB Corporation and Oracle Corporation):
- MariaDB: The New MySQL is Five Years Old & Everywhere by Colin Charles
- MySQL High Availability in 2015 by Colin Charles
- Handling large MySQL and MariaDB farms with MaxScale by Max Mether
- The Proper Care and Feeding of a MySQL Database for a Linux Administrator by Dave Stokes
- MySQL Security in a Cloudy World by Dave Stokes
See you in Seattle soon!
Posted on 8/7/2015, 9:39 pm, by Colin Charles, under
The schedule is out for Percona Live Europe: Amsterdam (September 21-23 2015), and you can see it at:
From MariaDB Corporation/Foundation, we have 1 tutorial: Best Practices for MySQL High Availability – Colin Charles (MariaDB)
And 5 talks:
- Using Docker for Fast and Easy Testing of MariaDB and MaxScale – Andrea Tosatto (Colt Engine s.r.l.) (I expect Maria Luisa is giving this talk together – she’s a wonderful colleague from Italy)
- Databases in the Hosted Cloud Colin Charles (MariaDB)
- Database Encryption on MariaDB 10.1 Jan Lindström (MariaDB Corporation), Sergei Golubchik (Monty Program Ab)
- Meet MariaDB 10.1 Colin Charles (MariaDB), Monty Widenius (MariaDB Foundation)
- Anatomy of a Proxy Server: MaxScale Internals Ivan Zoratti (ScaleDB Inc.)
OK, Ivan is from ScaleDB now, but he was the SkySQL Ab ex-CTO, and one of the primary architects behind MaxScale! We may have more talks as there are some TBD holes to be filled up, but the current schedule looks pretty amazing already.
What are you waiting for, register now!
Posted on 11/5/2015, 5:43 am, by Colin Charles, under
May is quickly shaping up to be a month filled with activity in the MySQL/MariaDB space. Just a quick note to talk about where I’ll be; looking forward to meet folk to talk shop.
- The London MySQL Meetup Group – May 13 2015 – organized by former colleague & friend Ivan Zoratti, we will be doing a wrap up of recent announcements at Percona Live Santa Clara, and I’ll be showing off some of the spiffy new features we are building into MariaDB 10.
- MariaDB Roadshow London – May 19 2015 – I’m going to give an overview of our roadmap, and there will be many excellent talks by colleagues there. I believe MariaDB Corporation CEO Patrik Sallner and Stu Schmidt, President at Zend will also be there. Should be a fun filled day.
- Internet Society (ISOC) Hong Kong World Internet Developer Summit – May 21-22 2015 – I’ll be giving a keynote about MariaDB and how we are trying to make it important Internet infrastructure as well as making it developer friendly.
- O’Reilly Velocity 2015 – May 27-29 2015 – I will in 90 minutes attempt to give a tutorial to attendees (over a 100 have already pre-registered) an overview of MySQL High Availability options and what their choices are in 2015. Expect a lot of talk on replication improvements from both MySQL & MariaDB, Galera Cluster, as well as tools around the ecosystem.
Posted on 3/11/2014, 3:59 am, by Colin Charles, under
Facebook recently made opensource, osquery. It gives you operating system data via SQL queries! Its very neat, and you can test this even on MacOSX (it works on that platform & Linux). It is by far the project with the most advanced functionality, linked here in this post.
I noticed that rather quickly, there was a PostgreSQL project, called pgosquery, based on Foreign Data Wrappers with a similar idea. (apparently it was written in less than 15 minutes; so a much lower learning curve than the regular MySQL storage engine interface)
I immediately thought about an older MySQL project, by Chip Turner (then at Google, now at Facebook), called mysql-filesystem-engine. This idea was kicking around in 2008. I was intrigued by hearing about this at a talk (probably at the MySQL Conference & Expo); it’s a pity no one took this further.
On a similar tangent, did you also know that there is the option to use MySQL as storage via FUSE (see: mysqlfs)? An article by Ben Martin shows some practical examples.
At its heyday, MySQL had many storage engines (maybe around 50). Wikipedia has an incomplete list. I see some engines on that list, and think that some of these folk are also creating MongoDB backends – competition. At MariaDB we are probably shipping the most storage engines of any MySQL-based distribution, however I think we could be doing an even better job at working with upstream vendors, and figuring out how to support & augment business around it.