Posts Tagged ‘sharing’ Office, Buzzword Review

Finding out that Adobe is the latest to jump on the online office bandwagon, I decided I need to try their service out. Working together, anywhere, is their tag line.

First impressions? They provide a few fonts that look nice. There is document sharing built-in. You can also add comments on parts of documents – and this is a killer feature with the built-in sharing, I love how the way comments are displayed (they’re in your face).

Buzzword, with comments
Comments being displayed in a Buzzword document (click for larger image)

What am I disappointed with? File formats. Not supporting ODF out of the box, is really silly. Exporting to PDF is nice, RTF is standard, .txt (so you lose the fonts), a zipped up HTML document, and Word (.doc), Word 2003 XML (.xml), and Word 2007 (.docx), only? Open standards, FAIL!

Adobe Buzzword, file formats
Buzzword, not supporting a wide variety of common file format (click for larger image)

I’d try out the rest of the services, but I’m sent to Acrobat Health, as it seems like they’re just a little overloaded now…
