Posted on 24/6/2008, 5:33 am, by Colin Charles, under General.
The next release of Mac OS X, Snow Leopard, will have ZFS enabled by default. There’s a good article for the masses, at ZDNet on ZFS on Snow Leopard – do read it.
We all know running any form of server using HFS+ tends to be a bit of a joke. So, Snow Leopard Server will be where ZFS makes its debut. It won’t be long before regular users will want it in their Mac Pro’s and so on…
OS X as a deployment platform for production MySQL servers? This is not far off, I’m sure.
Posted on 17/6/2008, 4:20 am, by Colin Charles, under MySQL.
I’m at the Sun Tech Days in beautiful Philippines, and all I can say is the energy is tremendous. I’m hearing there are about 1,400 attendees, and this number might grow tomorrow.
Armed with a video camera, I decided to take a few video snapshots. My first victimguest on my yet to be named videocast is Wen Huang, Product Manager for NetBeans, at Sun Microsystems.
Wen Huang has been a MySQL user since 1999, and had a past life as a web developer in various web shops, some large, some small. One commonality he had at all his jobs though is that they always use MySQL.
He’s an action junkie, preferring to have the latest version of the MySQL database all the time, and can’t wait for MySQL 5.1 when it comes out. Do remember that there exists a NetBeans with Glassfish and MySQL bundle. I’ve also blogged about this before, don’t hesitate to read my review titled NetBeans 6.1 with GlassFish, MySQL bundle.
So there you have it. Go forth, and try the great bundle, as its an all-in-one install of an IDE, an application server, and a database server.
Posted on 14/6/2008, 3:00 am, by Colin Charles, under MySQL.
In what I think must be MySQL’s first time in the Philippines, there will be a presence there next week. Well, its not the first time, but in terms of a community/developer event, I think it might be. The Sun Tech Days is happening from 17-19 June 2008, in the Shangri-La Makati.
Besides MySQL, expect great talks on NetBeans, GlassFish, OpenSolaris, and so much more. I’ll be the guy walking around in the MySQL shirt, so feel free to stop me and ask questions. Its exciting for me, as we’ve not really paid much attention to the Philippines, in terms of community growth (and the Philippines is in the APAC region!).
This isn’t a free event (its 1,000 PHP = ~USD23), and registration should still be available. If you’d like to meet up, and talk MySQL, shoot me an email at colinATmysqlDOTcom or reach me via mobile at +6-012-204-3201. If you’d like to help organise a MySQL Meetup in Manila, do ping me too.
Posted on 27/5/2008, 12:15 am, by Colin Charles, under General.
As some of you would have recently noticed, I’ve started playing around (I can’t really say using, seeing that its still not a daily basis kind of thing for me yet) with OpenSolaris and NetBeans. Now, Sun is encouraging students to use, review, and blog about these two great products – check out the student reviews contests.
If you’ve not tried OpenSolaris 2008.05, you should probably give it a twirl. Sure, I’ve not installed it on bare metal hardware yet (I’ve been travelling so much, I’m not anywhere near machines), but it works fine inside VirtualBox. NetBeans is great if you’re writing Java, Ruby, PHP, and are connecting to a database – Connector/J for MySQL is shipped with it. If you were trying it out, take a look at the NetBeans+GlassFish+MySQL bundle.
So, students out there, take a look at the Student Reviews Contest. You have till June 6, 2008. There’s your chance to win anywhere between $100-$250 (USD?), which really means a lot of beer ;)
(and here’s hoping we run something similar when MySQL 5.1 is GA… we used to run bug finding contests where we used to give away iPod Nano’s, though I think Visa Debit Card’s are so much more useful than iPod’s…)
Posted on 8/5/2008, 11:11 pm, by Colin Charles, under General.
Presented by Ronan McBrien and Sourath Roy, both from Sun Microsystems. The highlight of the show for me? Seeing the Sun Media Receiver. Not much information about it, except from the Sun Labs Open Day.
Sun Media Receiver (developed at Sun Labs, now maintained by ISV Engineering). Sun make a PVR? Cool.
RISC Processor (150-300MHz, predominantly MIPS, some ARM), memory, HDD optional, Ethernet port, USB, IR (remote control), Video output (SD, S-Video, composite, or HD, via HDMI connectors), hardware codecs (MPEG2, MPEG4-2, H.264)
Makes use of the Java Media Framework API
Can also expose talking to a SIM/smart card through the Java APIs, for security in your IPTV hardware
Posted on 8/5/2008, 6:09 pm, by Colin Charles, under General.
Presented by Jonathan Haslam, Simon Ritter, Sun Microsystems
In what I thought was completely great showmanship between Jonathan Haslam and Simon ritter, it was simply, pure comedy, having the two of them on stage. No reason to go deeply into notes (as the verbose slides are available), but the actual demonstration, the writing the code on stage, and the dynamics between the two – that made this session pure gold to attend.
You can ask a system to panic with DTrace if you want!
Some terminology:
Probe: place of interest in the system where we can make observations
Provider: instruments a particular area of a system, and makes probes available. Transfers control into DTrace framework when an enabled probe is hit
Aggregation: patterns are more interesting than individual datum, so aggregate data together to look for arrays. Generally an associative array
DTrace has a PID provider, to look at applications based on PID
dvm provider is a project to add DTrace support in. Install a new shared library, and make sure its in the path.
DTrace in JDK6 exists as a hotspot provider. No need to download a shared library. Its also more feature-rich.
Project DAVE (DTrace Advanced Visualisation Environment) was demoed. Also note that there’s chime.
Colin Charles is a businessperson who's big on opensource software. Follow @bytebot on Twitter.
I was previously on the founding team of MariaDB. In previous lives, I worked on MySQL, The Fedora Project, and
This is a personal web log, and the opinions here in no way reflect the opinions of my past, present, or future: clients, employers, or associates. Standard disclaimers apply.
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