Posts Tagged ‘TeAM’

No longer affiliated with MNCC and TeAM

Its worth noting that I’m no longer on the councils for the Malaysian National Computer Confederation (MNCC) and the Technopreneurs Association of Malaysia (TeAM). For MNCC, it was a retirement at the end of a term, and for TeAM it was a resignation during the term. Yes, both allow you to stick around for 2 years in general. I wish the organizations much luck in their future endeavors. 

How do you convince an entrepreneur to go opensource?

So, a while back, I became a council member at the Technopreneurs Association of Malaysia (TeAM). My focus is on open source and open standards.

I would like to get more entrepreneurs building their products on opensource. I want them to harness open standards, and expose APIs so others can build cool stuff around it. I want to see TeAM help create more Malaysian tech success stories.

As an aside, I found FOSS FAQ, and decided to post a question there: How do you convince an entrepreneur to go opensource?.

Seems like a silly question. I mean, VC’s like Guy Kawasaki like you to use cheap, and highly available tools, and opensource fits that bill. But nowadays, proprietary vendors have also upped the game – they also provide cheap (free for a time period) tools. So how do you get entrepreneurs going OSS for their products? What’s your pitch to them?
