Posts Tagged ‘VirtualBox’

Ubuntu 10.04 LTS released, MariaDB 5.1.44/5.2-BETA VM’s available

DocklandsA big congratulations to Ubuntu for the release of 10.04 LTS. While I haven’t had the chance to upgrade, I see everyone on Twitter and in the blogosphere say they are really like the Lucid experience.

A couple of days ago, I made mention that there were VirtualBox images of MariaDB out there. Turns out there were so many downloads, Mark has had to upgrade his Internet connection!

Anyway, to the point: Mark has created Ubuntu 10.04 LTS VM’s with MariaDB 5.1.44 and MariaDB 5.2 BETA. Don’t hesitate to download them, and send feedback.

Have a good weekend playing with Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Lucid Lynx release, and enjoy using MariaDB on it.

VirtualBox images for MariaDB

Coming from a great MariaDB contributor, Mark, is:

  1. MariaDB 5.1.44 / 5.2.0 Beta Binaries for Solaris 10 SPARC, and Debian GNU/Linux SPARC. Mark does a fabulous job of building these binaries, and he does them really quickly. If you’re on the SPARC platform, give it a go. Send some feedback, also.
  2. Mark has also spent some time developing virtual machines. All you need to get started is download VirtualBox. Mark provides an OpenSolaris 0906 + MariaDB 5.1.44 VM as well as an Ubuntu 10.04 LTS + MariaDB 5.1.42 VM.
  3. It is expected by the end of this week, when Ubuntu 10.04 LTS is released, Mark will upgrade the image to include MariaDB 5.1.44.

Thanks Mark! This is some fabulous work. Go give his VM’s a try and send feedback. Would you like to see any other VM’s? Any other distributions?
