Posts Tagged ‘webscalesql’

(tweet) Summary of Percona Live 2015

The problem with Twitter is that we talk about something and before you know it, people forget. (e.g. does WebScaleSQL have an async client library?) How many blog posts are there about Percona Live Santa Clara 2015? This time (2016), I’m going to endeavour to write more than to just tweet – I want to remember this stuff, and search archives (and also note the changes that happen in this ecosystem). And maybe you do too as well. So look forward to more blogs from Percona Live Data Performance Conference 2016. In the meantime, here’s tweets in chronological order from my Twitter search.

  • crowd filling up the keynote room for #perconalive
  • beginning shortly, we’ll see @peterzaitsev at #perconalive doing his keynote
  • #perconalive has over 1,200 attendees – oracle has 20 folk, with 22 folk from facebook
  • #perconalive is going to be in Amsterdam sept 21-22 2015 (not in London this year). And in 2015, April 18-21 2016!
  • We have @PeterZaitsev on stage now at #perconalive
  • 5 of the 5 top websites are powered by MySQL – an Oracle ad – alexa rankings? #perconalive
  • now we have Harrison Fisk on ployglot persistence at facebook #perconalive
  • make it work / make it fast / make it efficient – the facebook hacker way #perconalive
  • a lot of FB innovation goes into having large data sizes with short query time response #perconalive
  • “small data” to facebook? 10’s of petabytes with <5ms response times. and yes, this all sits in mysql #perconalive
  • messages eventually lands in hbase for long term storage for disk #perconalive they like it for LSM
  • Harrison introduces @RocksDB to be fast for memory/flash/disk, and its also LSM based. Goto choice for 100’s of services @ FB #perconalive
  • Facebook Newsfeed is pulled from RocksDB. 9 billion QPS at peak! #perconalive
  • Presto works all in memory on a streaming basis, whereas Hive uses map/reduce. Queries are much faster in Presto #perconalive
  • Scuba isn’t opensource – real time analysis tool to debug/understand whats going on @ FB. … #perconalive
  • InnoDB as a read-optimized store and RocksDB as a write-optimized store — so RocksDB as storage engine for MySQL #perconalive
  • Presto + MySQL shards is something else FB is focused on – in production @ FB #perconalive
  • loving the woz keynote @ #perconalive – wondering if like apple keynotes, we’ll see a “one more thing” after this ;)
  • “i’m only a genius at one thing: that’s making people think i’m a genius” — steve wozniak #perconalive
  • Happiness = Smiles – Frowns (H=S-F) & Happiness = Food, Fun, Friends (H=F³) Woz’s philosophy on being happy + having fun daily #perconalive
  • .@Percona has acquired @Tokutek in a move that provides some consolidation in the MySQL database market and takes..
  • MySQL Percona snaps up Tokutek to move onto MongoDB and NoSQL turf by @wolpe
  • One more thing – congrats @percona @peterzaitsev #perconalive Percona has acquired Tokutek with storage engines for MySQL & MongoDB – @PeterZaitsev #perconalive
  • Percona is now a player in the MongoDB space with TokuMX! #perconalive
  • The tokumx mongodb logo is a mongoose… #perconalive Percona will continue to support TokuDB/TokuMX to customers + new investments in it
  • @Percona “the company driving MySQL today” and “the brains behind MySQL”. New marketing angle? …
  • We have Steaphan Greene from @facebook talk about @WebScaleSQL at #perconalive
  • what is @webscalesql? its a collaboration between Alibaba, Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, and Twitter to hack on mysql #perconalive
  • close collaboration with @mariadb @mysql @percona teams on @webscalesql. today? upstream 5.6.24 today #perconalive
  • whats new in @WebScaleSQL ? asynchronous mysql client, with support from within HHVM, from FB & LinkedIn #perconalive
  • smaller @webscalesql change (w/big difference) – lower innodb buffer pool memory footprint from FB & Google #perconalive
  • reduce double-write mode while still preserving safety. query throttling, server side statement timeouts, threadpooling #perconalive
  • logical readahead to make full table scans as much as 10x fast. @WebScaleSQL #perconalive
  • whats coming to @WebScaleSQL – online innodb defragmentation, DocStore (JSON style document database using mysql) #perconalive
  • MySQL & RocksDB coming to @WebScaleSQL thanks to facebook & @MariaDB #perconalive
  • So, @webscalesql will skip 5.7 – they will backport interesting features into the 5.6 branch! #perconalive
  • likely what will be next to @webscalesql ? will be mysql-5.8, but can’t push major changes upstream. so might not be an option #perconalive
  • Why only minor changes from @WebScaleSQL to @MySQL upstream? #perconalive
  • Only thing not solved with @webscalesql & upstream @mysql – the Contributor license agreement #perconalive
  • All @WebScaleSQL features under Apache CCLA if oracle can accept it. Same with @MariaDB @percona #perconalive
  • Steaphan Greene says tell Oracle you want @webscalesql features in @mysql. Pressure in public to use the Apache CLA! #perconalive
  • We now have Patrik Sallner CEO from @MariaDB doing the #perconalive keynote ==> 1+1 > 2 (the power of collaboration)
  • “contributors make mariadb” – patrik sallner #perconalive
  • Patrik Sallner tells the story about the CONNECT storage engine and how the retired Olivier Bertrand writes it #perconalive
  • Google contributes table/tablespace encryption to @MariaDB 10.1 #perconalive
  • Patrik talks about the threadpool – how #MariaDB made it, #Percona improved it, and all benefit from opensource development #perconalive
  • and now we have Tomas Ulin from @mysql @oracle for his #perconalive keynote
  • 20 years of MySQL. 10 years of Oracle stewardship of InnoDB. 5 years of Oracle stewardship of @MySQL #perconalive
  • Tomas Ulin on the @mysql 5.7 release candidate. It’s gonna be a great release. Congrats Team #MySQL #perconalive
  • MySQL 5.7 has new optimizer hint frameworks. New cost based optimiser. Generated (virtual) columns. EXPLAIN for running thread #perconalive
  • MySQL 5.7 comes with the query rewrite plugin (pre/post parse). Good for ORMs. “Eliminates many legacy use cases for proxies” #perconalive
  • MySQL 5.7 – native JSON datatypes, built-in JSON functions, JSON comparator, indexing of documents using generated columns #perconalive
  • InnoDB has native full-text search including full CJK support. Does anyone know how FTS compares to MyISAM in speed? #perconalive
  • MySQL 5.7 group replication is unlikely to make it into 5.7 GA. Designed as a plugin #perconalive
  • Robert Hodges believes more enterprises will use MySQL thanks to the encryption features (great news for @mariadb) #perconalive
  • Domas on FB Messenger powered by MySQL. Goals: response time, reliability, and consistency for mobile messaging #perconalive
  • FB Messenger: Iris (in-memory pub-sub service – like a queue with cache semantics). And MySQL as persistence layer #perconalive
  • FB focuses on tiered storage: minutes (in memory), days (flash) and longterm (on disks). #perconalive
  • Gotta keep I/O devices for 4-5 years, so don’t waste endurance capacity of device (so you don’t write as fast as a benchmark) #perconalive
  • Why MySQL+InnoDB? B-Tree: cheap overwrites, I/O has high perf on flash, its also quick and proven @ FB #perconalive
  • What did FB face as issues to address with MySQL? Write throughput. Asynchronous replication. and Failover time. #perconalive
  • HA at Facebook: <30s failover, <1s switchover, > 99.999% query success rate
  • Learning a lot about LSM databases at Facebook from Yoshinori Matsunobu – check out @rocksdb + MyRocks …
  • The #mysqlawards 2015 winners #PerconaLive
  • Percona has a Customer Advisory Board now – Rob Young #perconalive
  • craigslist: mysql for active, mongodb for archives. online alter took long. that’s why @mariadb has … #perconalive
  • can’t quite believe @percona is using db-engines rankings in a keynote… le sigh #perconalive
  • “Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower” – Steve Jobs #perconalive
  • Percona TokuDB: “only alternative to MySQL + InnoDB” #perconalive
  • “Now that we have the rights to TokuDB, we can add all the cool features ontop of Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC)” – Rob Young #perconalive
  • New Percona Cloud Tools. Try it out. Helps remote DBA/support too. Wonder what the folk at VividCortex are thinking about now #perconalive
  • So @MariaDB isn’t production ready FOSS? I guess 3/6 top sites on Alexa rank must disagree #perconalive
  • Enjoying Encrypting MySQL data at Google by @jeremycole & Jonas — you can try this in @mariadb 10.1.4 … #perconalive
  • google encryption: mariadb uses the api to have a plugin to store the keys locally; but you really need a key management server #perconalive
  • Google encryption: temporary tables during query execution for the Aria storage engine in #MariaDB #perconalive
  • find out more about google mysql encryption — or just use it at 10.1.4! #perconalive
  • Encrypting MySQL data at Google – Percona Live 2015 #perconalive
  • The @WebScaleSQL goals are still just to provide access to the code, as opposed to supporting it or making releases #perconalive
  • There is a reason DocStore & Oracle/MySQL JSON 5.7 – they were designed together. But @WebScaleSQL goes forward with DocStore #perconalive
  • So @WebScaleSQL will skip 5.7, and backport things like live resize of the InnoDB buffer pool #perconalive
  • How to view @WebScaleSQL? Default GitHub branch is the active one. Ignore -clean branches, just reference for rebase #perconalive
  • All info you need should be in the commit messages @WebScaleSQL #perconalive
  • Phabricator is what @WebScaleSQL uses as a code review system. All diffs are public, anyone can follow reviews #perconalive
  • automated testing with jenkins/phabricator for @WebScaleSQL – run mtr on ever commit, proposed diffs, & every night #perconalive
  • There is feature documentation, and its a work in progress for @WebScaleSQL. Tells you where its included, etc. #perconalive
  • Checked out the new ANALYZE statement feature in #MariaDB to analyze JOINs? Sergei Petrunia tells all #perconalive …

Per query variable settings in MySQL/Percona Server/WebScaleSQL

Recently there was a discussion on the webscalesql mailing list started by Chip Turner on a proposed change to the MAX_STATEMENT_TIME patch. This feature has been known as per query variable settings (WL#681) and even shipping in Percona Server 5.6 as per-query variable statement.

This feature has piqued my interest since 2009, when the MySQL project (then owned by Sun Microsystems) participated in Google Summer of Code 2009, and we got code from Joseph Lukas to do just that (see his tree on Launchpad – lp:~jlukas79/+junk/mysql-server).

So code has been floating around since 2009. It never made it into a shipping release of any MySQL-based distribution till 24 October 2013 when Percona Server 5.6.14-62.0 was released. Percona’s syntax implementation was as suggested in WL#681. This got me curious as to if a feature is already shipping in a distribution of MySQL, what is the WebScaleSQL answer to things – is there a look at other branches or is compatibility from a user/DBA perspective only with focus on upstream?

I got my answer from Steaphan Greene. Very sensible, and a great direction to see how the companies involved can influence upstream MySQL and quite obviously the downstream distributions. It is of course great to note that this syntax improvement will probably be in MySQL 5.7.5 DMR (it already is in 5.7.4 DMR).

For what it’s worth, this feature works well alongside server-side statement timeouts, which Percona Server 5.6 implements (as an alpha quality feature) via the Twitter patch of Davi Arnaut. The MySQL team at Oracle has of course been listening, and in MySQL 5.7.4 DMR (release notes) they too have implemented this feature (WL#6936). Kudos!

Update (6 May 2014): Morgan Tocker has opened up mysql#72540.

MySQL related IRC discussion channels

There are many MySQL related IRC discussion channels as the ecosystem itself grows. I join the following. Are there any that I’m missing?

Freenode (

  • #mysql – main channel for all kinds of end user MySQL related discussions (the noisiest of the lot, naturally)
  • #maria – main channel for all kinds of MariaDB related discussions
  • #webscalesql – for all kinds of WebScaleSQL discussions
  • #percona – main channel for all kinds of Percona related discussions
  • #tokutek – main channel for Tokutek discussions (TokuDB or TokuMX)
  • SkySQL-specific channels: #maxscale and #mariadb-mgr


  • #debian-mysql – for all kinds of Debian MySQL related bits (packaging, bugs, etc.)
