At OSCON, Brian and Dormando gave their ever famous talk, Memcached and MySQL: Everything You Need To Know. I didn’t attend the tutorial, but they assured me it was similar to what was given at the MySQL Conference 2008 (everything, but the very nice buttons dormando was giving out with the memcached logo!). Great, because not only is memcached hot, but I have notes from their talk: Memcached and MySQL tutorial.
Interestingly enough (and this didn’t happen at OSCON), was at the MySQL Conference, Patrick Galbraith jumped on stage to speak about his experience with memcached at Grazr. Why not now, spend an hour listening to Patrick talk about Grazr, memcached, and MySQL?
There’s a webminar, titled: Grazr: Lessons Learned using MySQL and Memcached in Web 2.0 Applications. Its on Thursday, August 14, 2008, and you don’t even need to dress up to listen to Pat talk – the beauty of a webminar :)
P/S: If you don’t already know, subscribing to MySQL Enterprise entitles you to 24/7 production support for memcached. Neat, right?