Posts Tagged ‘mysql and cloud database solutions day 2013’

Upcoming talks in Santa Clara

I’m planning my calendar and thought I’d share what talks I’d be giving in Santa Clara in a couple of weeks for the Percona Live MySQL Conference & Expo 2013 and the MySQL & Cloud Database Solutions Day 2013. Its going to be a busy April 22-26 2013.

  1. MariaDB Cassandra Interoperability with Sergei Petrunia on 23 April 1:20pm – 2:10pm @ Ballroom D
  2. MariaDB BoF on 23 April 6:00pm – 7:00pm @ Ballroom F
  3. MariaDB 10.0 & What’s New With The Project with Monty Widenius on 24 April 11:10am – 12:00pm @ Ballroom C
  4. MHA: Getting started & moving past the quirks on 25 April 1:50pm – 2:40pm @ Ballroom B
  5. Why MariaDB, and what is new? panel with Rasmus Johansson, Sergei Gobubchik, Ivan Zoratti at 9.30am on 26 April
  6. MariaDB Galera Cluster Overview with Henrik Ingo, Max Mether at 11.15am on 26 April
  7. MySQL and Cassandra Integration with Sergei Petrunia at 1pm on 26 April

Percona Live MySQL Conference and Expo, April 22-25, 2013

Come along, use code SponsorSQL to get a 15% discount to Percona Live. The SkySQL Cloud day on the 26th is completely FREE so register now!
