Posts Tagged ‘Percona Live London 2011’

Percona Live London 2011

I was at Percona Live London 2011 these past two days. Very interesting conference. Good work Peter & team — you’ve managed to gather a good 300+ people at one venue in London. So full was the venue, that during today morning’s keynote I had to sit in the spillover room and miss out on Peter calling out my name :-) (no, Stewart and I were not drinking at 9am!)

Gave my session titled Why MariaDB? (slides). Pleasantly realized that there were many new faces. Better still, everyone has heard of MariaDB in the room. More interestingly is that a bunch of people are now also using MariaDB in production!

Had to rush through the last few slides (about how open we are, the worklog, knowledgebase, etc.), but you don’t have much time in 30 minutes so you have to be succinct! The slides are attached.

